Supplier in Fire Safety Services

    Fire engineering


    Years of expeirece in this field

    The services we provide

    Fire engineering

    Fire engineering is the use of engineering to help prevent fires and protect people and infrastructure in the event of a fire.

    HuahuiFire focuses on testing and evaluation services in the field of fire safety, including material testing, fire facilities testing, fire safety evaluation services, fire risk assessment of energy storage power stations, and fire system effectiveness assessment.

    HuahuiFire can help customers everywhere to cost-effectively ensure that their building or infrastructure projects meet local fire safety guidelines. Our team of experienced fire safety engineers will use their extensive knowledge of fire engineering combined with the latest research and modelling tools to work with your design team to ensure full compliance with fire protection schemes and designs.

    HuahuiFire inspection analyzes the fire risk in the planning, design and use of buildings (including areas, clusters or individual buildings), so as to find their potential hazards and ways that may lead to hazards, so as to take measures to eliminate or reduce fire risks. Can recommend the most innovative and cost-effective solutions.

    Fire service inspection

    Fire service inspection

    Inspect and test various fire fighting equipment and systems in the building to verify their effectiveness in a fire

    Fire compliance assessment

    Fire compliance assessment

    Conduct a systematic assessment of buildings and their fire safety measures to determine their compliance with relevant fire codes, standards and codes

    Fire safety consulting

    Fire safety consulting

    Provide advice on fire safety from project design onwards