Supplier in Fire Safety Services

    Fire testing


    Years of expeirece in this field

    The services we provide

    Fire testing

    HuahuiFire has a fire test base to provide fire/fire test and certification services for your products, we provide customers with independent, locally recognized fire resistance testing services. Our fire resistance tests are carried out in accordance with UK, European and international standards and comply with CE marking, UKCA and UKNI marking and third party certification. Through the testing process, product defects can be detected as early as possible and possible regulatory compliance issues can be identified in the product. Testing can help make product adjustments early and avoid costly product recalls or fines. To help you open up to Singapore and other Asian countries, the United States, Canada and other European and American countries and regions of the market, we can help you obtain certification while improving product quality, on-site assessment to reduce risks, faster and more effective by owners and engineering units accepted and recognized.

    Fire testing is divided into: generally divided into fire resistance test and fire reaction test.



    fire resistant


    fireproofing Test

    Fireproofing test

    A fire test determines how easily a material or finished product ignites or burns when placed close to the center or heat source of the fire

    Fireproofing test

    Fireproofing test

    Evaluate the fire resistance of a material or component under standard fire conditions, aiming to simulate how the material will behave under fire conditions